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The main components and principles of solar energy systems


The main components and principles of solar energy systems


The main components and principles of solar energy systems

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A solar system is a system that uses solar energy resources to convert into electrical energy or thermal energy. It is mainly composed of solar panels, controllers, batteries (if electrical energy needs to be stored), and inverters (if DC power needs to be converted to AC power) and other components.


The solar power generation system is mainly composed of solar battery packs, solar controllers and storage batteries (packs). When sunlight hits a solar panel, the panel absorbs the light energy and converts it into direct current. The controller monitors and manages the charging process of the battery panels to ensure that the batteries store electrical energy safely and effectively. Batteries are used to store electrical energy to provide power when there is no sunlight or insufficient sunlight. If you need to output AC power, you also need to configure an inverter.


The main components of a solar system include the following key parts:

Solar Panel: This is the core part of the solar system and is responsible for converting the sun’s radiant energy into electrical energy. The quality and cost of solar panels will directly affect the performance and total cost of the entire system.


Controller: The controller plays a key role in the solar system. It controls the working status of the entire system and protects the battery from overcharging and over-discharging. In environments with large temperature differences, the controller should also have the function of temperature compensation.


Batteries: Batteries are used to store the electrical energy generated by solar panels for use when there is no sunlight. Common battery types include lead-acid batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, and lithium batteries.


Inverter: The main function of the inverter is to convert DC power into AC power to meet the power needs of various devices.


In addition, depending on the complexity of the system and specific needs, a solar system may also include other components such as electricity meters and grid connection equipment. Proper installation and configuration of all of these components is key to ensuring efficient operation of your solar panels.


It is worth noting that with the continuous advancement of technology, the composition and configuration of solar energy systems are also constantly changing.

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How to set up solar system controller

The settings of the solar system controller mainly involve load selection, charging mode, battery type and other settings. Here's a detailed explanation of the setup steps:


Load selection: Solar controllers usually have a load function that can select the load type or turn off the load based on actual demand and battery pack capacity.


Charging mode: The solar controller supports multiple charging modes, such as float charging, constant current charging and constant voltage charging. When setting the charging mode, you should choose according to the battery pack type and capacity, and adjust the charging parameters according to the actual situation.


Battery type: The controller settings also include the selection of battery type, such as lead-acid batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, etc. When selecting the battery type, make sure it matches the actual battery pack type.


Other settings: In addition to the above settings, the controller can also perform other settings, such as overvoltage protection, low voltage protection, temperature compensation, etc. These settings can be selected and adjusted according to actual needs.


During specific operations, you usually need to press the switch setting button for a certain period of time (such as 5 seconds), and then the digital LED displayed in the mode (MODE) will start to flash. Release the button at this time and convert one number each time until the number displayed by the LED matches the number corresponding to the selected mode. Wait until the LED number stops flashing, which means the setting is complete.


In addition, when setting up a solar controller, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Make sure the battery voltage value entered is correct to avoid charging and discharging not achieving the expected results.


According to the voltage and type of the battery, set appropriate parameters such as maximum and minimum charging current, maximum and minimum discharge current, overcharge and over-discharge protection voltage.


Choose the right charging method, such as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) or MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking), so that the controller can better control battery charging.

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How solar systems work


For solar water heating systems, the working principle is to use solar collectors (such as flat plate collectors, vacuum tube empty tube collectors, etc.) to collect solar heat, so that the sun's light energy can be fully converted into thermal energy. This heat energy is transmitted to the water storage and insulation water tank through the control system to automatically control functional components such as circulation pumps or solenoid valves, thereby heating the water in the water tank. Such a system can be used both for domestic hot water supply and as a source of hot and cold water in the form of other solar applications.


In what areas can solar energy systems be used?


Solar energy systems have a wide range of applications, mainly including the following aspects:


Household applications: Solar water heaters heat water by absorbing sunlight heat energy to provide hot water and heating systems for households. In addition, solar lamps and batteries are also commonly used for outdoor and indoor lighting. These applications reduce household energy consumption and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.


Industrial applications: Solar photovoltaics play an important role in the industrial sector. Solar panels can convert solar energy into electrical energy to provide the power needed for industrial production. At the same time, solar energy can also be used in thermal energy industries, such as solar hot water and solar drying.


Transportation applications: Solar energy systems can provide energy for transportation, such as charging electric vehicles through solar photovoltaic power generation, reducing energy consumption. In addition, solar boats, solar bicycles and other means of transportation also apply solar technology to a certain extent.


Agricultural applications: Solar irrigation systems use solar energy to provide water for farmland, improving the stability and efficiency of agricultural production. Solar greenhouses help crops grow and provide a more stable and controllable growing environment. At the same time, solar night lights provide lighting for farmers to work at night.


In addition, solar energy systems are also widely used in building heating (hot water, heating) and industrial steam (food, beverage, paper, textile and other industries). It is worth mentioning that the strategic position of solar thermal utilization is very important in carbon emission reduction. For example, every 2 square meters of solar water heater installed can reduce a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions during its life cycle.